To be honest, I only know how to make frozen waffles.

I recently moved back to school, which is why I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a few days. Class and work and catching up with friends made things immediately busy.

Those are normal, though. This year I have something else to take up time:

This year I’m living in an apartment-style dorm. (Still on campus, mind you. Northeastern kids are required to live on campus for the first two years.) Having a kitchen means I’m not required to get a meal plan. I happily opted out.

And that means for the last week I’ve had to cook for myself. Here’s how it’s been going:

Alright, so maybe I’m exaggerating. I can cook more than just stir-fried vegetables. Why, I can even make

Fine, I admit it. I don’t actually know how to cook. I’m not the perfect domestic woman, it’s true. But I’m trying to cook healthy! And go to the gym! Except, of course, I’m in college…

Whatever. We can’t all be perfect model citizens.

So let the year begin!

The trials and tribulations of piercing one’s ears

I recently got my ears pierced. Or perhaps not so recently– it’s been over a month now. After 18 years of plain, unembellished ears, I finally gave in to the pressure:

So, while in New York City with my sister and host sister, I got my ears pierced. My sister had made up her mind to get a second piercing and, I, the innocent bystander, was dragged along.

Somehow we found a Claire’s in the middle of the city. We entered, where the sassy manager proceeded to stick my ears with a metal pin.

They told me it wouldn’t hurt. Lies! All lies! Okay, so I’m just a huge pansy who has no tolerance for any sort of physical pain. I even close my eyes when I get my shots. Yeahhh. I’m a legal adult.

But that was over a month ago. Since then I’ve been cleaning my ears diligently, since I have a pathological fear of them getting infected. Swollen ears and freely flowing pus is not on my to-do list. I was especially afraid since I had purchased the stainless steel earrings instead of gold or silver ones (gold and silver are less likely to provoke allergic reactions) because I wasn’t willing to drop 60 bucks to get my earlobes poked through.

Well, I had a right to be paranoid. Because a couple days ago, my fears came true.

I called over my mom, who proceeded to freak out.

The back of my right ear, which at this point was swollen and dripping blood, was in fact infected. My mom, seeing her youngest daughter bleeding, went into that mode I can only call mother bear: 
My mother proceeded to whittle down the toothpick and then attempt to stick it through my ear, which only provoked more bleeding. I don’t doubt her trick works– it’s just that my ear was already too swollen to yield an entire toothpick. The bleeding was starting to slow down, though, thanks to copious amounts of ear cleaner and cotton balls. Suddenly my mom remembered something…
And she ran out to retrieve this: 
And that’s how ended up walking around with one metal stud and one gold hoop in my ears. In other words: I am now a pirate. 

What I’ve learned from a year of blogging

I started this site, I think in comics, exactly a year ago today. It started as a place for me to vent my usually incoherent ramblings about my life– but since then, it’s garnered a couple dozen readers, a few thousand views, and even a post that went minor-league viral.

Spectacular, I know.

Regardless, I’ve published 126 posts this year (including this one) which, to me, is a surprisingly large amount. How did I even find the time to write all of those? What did I even write about? Did I gain anything from all of that work? Well, in all of this writing and drawing and blogging, I had to have learned something, right?


1. How to draw really fast

Between this blog and Minus One, I’ve had to draw a ton in this last year. Specifically, drawing with a tablet directly into Photoshop. Drawing with a tablet feels much different from drawing on paper, mostly because of the disconnect between hand and image. (You draw on one surface, but it shows up on another) As a result, I used to be very very slow and shaky with my tablet. But since all this year I’ve been all

I’ve gained the skill of

Despite all this, though, I haven’t become any better at drawing. Only faster. I’m afraid to say that in this coming year I will still continue to look like a misshapen munchkin.

2. I need to call my parents more

I say this because this happened once:

Yeah. I’m a bad daughter.

3. The internet is a big and scary place

So I started this blog for myself, but at the same time, have tried to promote it. I started a twitter, and a tumblr, and a Facebook page, but to be honest I have no idea what to do with them or what the proper etiquette is or how to make them equally fun and engaging. I am not social media savvy. 

More recently I’ve been posting my blog onto Reddit (while trying to follow reddiquette– I post other links too!) and people there aren’t afraid to be honest. It’s not a bad thing– people often offer tips and advice and corrections which I’ve found very helpful. You just have to have a thick skin sometimes. And I haven’t been trolled yet… knock on wood.

4. Even my parents read my blog. I have to watch what I say.

There are people who blog anonymously, or sometimes not anonymously, and treat their blog as the great confessional. And there’s nothing wrong with that. As for me, though, I have family and friends reading my blog. Therefore I’ve established a two rules for myself:

1. Ask before writing about someone else

My college friends can attest. I’ve often asked them permission to write about something before writing it. It would get awkward if people had to tiptoe around me, afraid that what they said was going to be blogged. The very last thing I want to do is to hurt, embarrass, or offend anybody from a post, even if it makes for a funny story. So it can’t hurt to check. Anyway, when I ask, the answer is usually

2. Don’t say on your blog what you wouldn’t tell someone in real life

I have bad days too. I’ve been tempted to write some emo posts. But I don’t enjoy getting all teary on people in real life, so there’s no reason I should do it here. Nobody wants to hear that.

These are my own rules, though, not anybody else’s. Some bloggers are fueled by writing about controversial topics, or by lambasting others, or by passionately writing about their greatest hopes and fears. I’ve seen these blogs, and tons and tons and tons of them are absolutely brilliant. But that’s not me.

5. Everybody’s life is interesting, if you spin it the right way

I know I’ve been to Japan and Germany, but usually my life is pretty ordinary. I go to college. Study. Hang out with friends. You know, normal stuff.

And there have been many, many times where I’ve been struck by the dreaded

What I’ve tried to do, then, is to find humor in everyday life. Like riding elevators. Or getting a helmet. Or having allergies. Not all of these posts are that hilarious, mind you. But it’s made me look at my life differently– to see how the mundane can, actually, be a funny story.

In other words, maybe my life isn’t so boring after all.

And that’s what I’ve learned after a year of blogging. And now, on to the next year!

How a cosplay n00b made the Master Sword (a photo tutorial)

Want to know how to make a Hylian Shield? Check out the tutorial here!

Before we begin, let’s start with some disclaimers.

It is indeed. Never before have I attempted to create, well, anything. 

Due to my lack of skills, I made a lot of mistakes and did a lot of guesswork during the whole process. The results are passable in photos (though not inch-for-inch accurate) but looks kind of ghetto up close. Good enough for me!

So let’s get started!

No project is good without proper planning, which is why mine turned out so horrendously. I decided to sketch the Master Sword on a piece of poster board, using this tutorial and this picture of the Master Sword for reference. This guy, in addition to carving the Master Sword out of wood, also provides a nice sketch of the sword with the proper dimensions.

I cut out the design and traced it onto a piece of plywood.

Now to cut out the shape. I went to my dad for help…

So, using the jigsaw, we cut the plywood into this sword-like shape.

I then proceeded to smooth the edges with a file and some sandpaper…

Now, what to do? We have a nice piece of wood, but it’s a little flat. The handle, at least, had to be round!

And here’s where we get into failed idea #1:

I thought maybe carving some of that packaging Styrofoam might work. As it turns out, Styrofoam is darn tricky to carve precisely. Plus, carving it makes the little Styrofoam bits rain like snow. Would not recommend. 

It’s time for attempt two. You’re going to have to excuse these poor iTouch photos, but here goes…

I cut off some rubber hosing and duct-taped it to the handle part of the sword, like so:

I did this for the other side of the wooden sword as well, so we ended up with the handle looking like this:

So the handle is now 3-D. Congrats! But what about those wings on the side? Those are still, regretfully, spectacularly flat.

I somehow came across my 9th grade science fair project. Something about housing, and insulation, and the like. More importantly, my 9th grade science fair project was mounted on foam board:

I have no idea why I chose that title…

Using that same lime-green poster board template I had created earlier, I cut the shape of the wings out of the foam board and duct-taped it to the wooden frame. Like so:

I did this for both sides of the wood. I proceeded to cut out more of the wing shapes, and tape it to the wood again, and again, and again, layering the foam board to make it less flat. It looked kind of like this:

I also cut out this little shape for right above the wings…

…and also this diamond-type thing.

I thought this might be a swell time to add some details to the wings. Using total guesstimation (sorry– I don’t have a proper pattern for this one) I cut out one more layer of foam board. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

The bottom of the hilt is still woefully unadorned, though. What to do?

First, I cut out some short segments of that same rubber hose, like this:

I wrapped 4 or 5 of these around the end of the hilt, so it looked like this:

…and then I wrapped it in duct tape.

That wasn’t enough, though– the Master Sword has a fun little nub at the end. I turned to this decaying stool I had dragged off the street. (Dumpster diving, hooray!)

I sawed off the end of one of the legs…

…and attached it to the end of the hilt. With more duct tape.

Using the same cut-some-rubber-hose-layer-it-onto-the-sword-smother-it-in-duct-tape technique, I added another decorative lump to the handle close to the wings.

This Master Sword is looking a little patchworky, though. Solution: Add more duct tape!

There’s just one little problem, though: duct tape is tough. It’s waterproof. NASA astronauts have even repaired their spacecraft with it. As you’d expect, then, paint just rolls right off this stuff. Any water-based paint isn’t going to work on this duct-tape store.

My solution? Well, as a starter, I sprayed the entire thing down with plastic primer, resulting in a white, sticky hilt that smelled terribly of paint thinner.

Technically, now, paint will stick to the duct tape due to the primer. However, the plastic primer also caused the duct tape to start to peel and fall apart. Uh-oh.

So– very carefully, and very slowly– with the help of my skilled mother– I wrapped the hilt in a thin white cloth. The details I had cut on the wings were covered, but at least the hilt is now paintable!

Finally! It’s painting time! Using some acrylics, I painted the hilt blue:

Since the details on the hilt were lost when we wrapped the sword in cloth, I re-cut them out of foam board and pasted it on again:

Some yellow details, also painted with acrylics:

The bottom of the hilt was still looking a unshapely, though. I glued some string around the hilt, and painted over that as well.

And finally, the green wrap around the handle! I played tennis in high school, so I still had some tennis grip lying around. And this same tutorial said it works pretty well.

I cut the tape down the middle to get the right width…

…and cut out two strips. I painted the strips green, and wrapped one around the handle:

The other strip I wrapped around in the opposite direction, resulting in this:

And, finally finally finally, after an embarrassingly large amount of work that spanned several days, it is done! A Master Sword by a amateur cosplayer! 

And that’s how I made my first prop, ever. It’s not that sturdy and doesn’t look so great up close. I definitely took much more time than what was probably needed, and went through much more trouble than I probably had to. But you know what? I’m happy with the result.

If you do happen to be a Link cosplayer trying to make the Master Sword, however, I hope this helped even a bit! I know I get most of my cosplay help online, which is why I decided to write this post. The forums, in particular, has tons and tons of advice from experienced cosplayers.

It’s all in the palms (or so they say)

The Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire was having a 2-for-the-price-of-one day, so a couple of friends and I decided to head out to the countryside for a day.

I’ve never been to a Renaissance fair, so I had no idea what to expect. Basically, this little winery/estate is set up to look like a English Renaissance-era village. There are little booths, lots of food, stages, day-long performances. Professional actors roam the streets in full costume. There are “games”– and by “games” I mean getting to throw axes and ninja stars and knives at stuff.

Or, archery.

So I was thoroughly charmed by the whole affair. And by “charmed,” I mean spazzing with excitement for 8 hours straight and speaking only in a British accent.

But that’s besides the point.

While at the fair, my friends and I wandered upon a little fortune-telling booth. A trained psychic who, for the low, low price of $10, could read your palms for you. For a full $20, he’ll even whip out his tarot cards.

I’ve never had my fortune told. I was curious. At the urging of my friend, and with thoughts of this Reasonably Ludicrous Post in mind, I decided to do it. I had to try it just once, right?

So I entered the little gazebo the fortune tellers had set up and sat down next to a curiously mustached man. I greeted him. “I’d just like my palms read, please.” He looked at me expectantly, when I realized that this was the time to pull out my wallet. Fee paid, the fun began.

He stared intently at the lines in my palms, explaining what was what: here was the life line, the head line, the heart line. He decided to start with the life line…

He read on.

He changed the subject.

Uh-oh. He was losing it. He decided to take make a risky guess.

At this point I was trying very hard to contain my laughter. Perhaps he could sense it, because he then said,

This had me listening. I’m pretty introverted, I admit. He noted my interest, and, encouraged, made an aim for the dramatic.

The psychic said this with great confidence. He seemed genuinely concerned for my mental health, even. He suddenly dropped his voice into a plea:

I was obviously getting all sorts of revelations out of this reading. The psychic decided it was time for a final stab to mystify me.

Well, it’s not like the reading was a total bust. He correctly told me that I had a “deep appreciation for the arts and music.” I’m also “very intelligent,” except I’ve “done more with that intelligence than was expected of me.” He also told me that I’m highly “emphatic,” except I “know not to take other people’s problems as my own.”

Huh. Maybe I’m just too cynical for this kind of thing. The guy had some pretty good hits along with his misses– I’ll give him that. And it was quality entertainment for the ten minutes I was there. Can’t knock it ’til you try it, right?

On the other hand, maybe I should have just saved my money to buy a nice steampunk outfit someday.

Also, one of my hilariously witty friends has started a blog! Go check her out at One Bright Pearl— I swear her crazy stories never run out. 

I LOVE MY SISTER. Now go observe my supreme childhood dorkiness.


HEY Y’ALL!!!!!! Many of you know my dear resident blog-genius comic-extraordinaire uber-smart sister Vy.  Well today she turns the big ONE-NINE! (19!)

You may know me from VyVy’s previous blogpost about the loving, caring, torture-free, and completely non-manipulative bond that we share.  Over the years, my sister has been my confidante, my shoulder to laugh and  cry on, and my absolute best friend.

And as older her sister, I’ve seen her grow into a blooming blossom through time. And there are a few tidbits that you guys may or may not know about our beloved VyVy.


2002: Dork extraordinaire

2007: Sunblock Stunna

2009: Still a dork extraordinaire



Driving a car


Carrying around a camera and taking photos EVERYWHERE




Snippet of Vy’s collection…

View original post 75 more words

Skyward Sword. Oh, yes, Skyward Sword.

I sat down all ready to write a real post, but realized that I was incapable of doing so. Because at the moment, I am faced with dangerous addiction. It’s taken over my life. It’s all I want to do.

That being:

Skyward Sword. 

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, that is.

I even sat down with my sketchbook to try to get away from the game. Keyword: Try. But what came out was this…

Whoops. Totally messed up the eyes. Time to try again…

Ehh. Maybe I’ll try Zelda next.

Twilight Princess Zelda, maybe?

Whoops, smeared the ink there. While I’m drawing video game characters, here’s a bro from Kingdom Hearts…

…actually, that doesn’t look much like Roxas. Well, enough video game characters. Let’s try someone from an animation. Such as Legend of Korra…

And that’s when I realized, though I like Korra, Toph will always be the most badass.

Alright. I’m done. Sorry for that flurry of terrible fanart. (in both skill and image quality– I don’t know how to use a brush and ink very well, and I don’t own a scanner) I’m going to go finish Skyward Sword now.


(And in my opinion, Ghirahim is the most terrifying villain ever.)

So good it’s embarrassing

Being good at something is normally, well, good. It’s a skill to be used. Something to impress your friends. A testament to your relentless effort and practice. A way to get ahead in the world.


Unless you’re like me, and your abilities lie somewhere outside the realm of impressive. More in the zone of… pointless.

Yes. I’m talking about useless talents. 

And I know there are those useless talents like, “I can lick my elbow!” or “I can burp the alphabet!” But at least those can get a rise during, say, a kindergarten class or a drunken party.

But I possess none of those. Hell, I couldn’t even snap my fingers until last year. Nope, being the comic-loving-video-game-playing-nerd that I am, my talents more often stem from my geekery. The results of, say, hours and hours of game addiction and obsession and procrastination. To the point where it is flat-out embarrassing.

What do I mean? I mean this: 

Yes, I was severely addicted to tetris battle last semester. Ask my roommate– it was horrendous. I would play forever as I tried to avoid studying. Clearing lines is infinitely more entertaining than memorizing ochem reactions, after all. And I have to say, I got pretty good. Too good. Not amazing– but far better than anyone should be at tetris. 

But that’s not the worst of it. My obvious attraction to video games was also revealed in Japan, when we went to a game center.

Yeah. I was pretty much asking for it. But… but… Dance Dance Revolution!

Thus my inner nerd shone through.

It’s not just video games, though. I have other talents too! Talents that sometimes get me in trouble.

Tetris? DDR? Drawing fat animals? None of that’s gonna get me jobs or good grades or friends. But it what’s I do. My unhandy, less-than-impressive, troublesome abilities. The results of getting hooked on games and avoiding studying. I almost feel like poor ol’ Calvin here…

I can relate.

What useless talents do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

In which seaweed turns me environmentalist for an hour

I recently got back from a family reunion in Maine. One of our stops was Newport, Rhode Island, a highly historical town containing the highest number of colonial buildings out of any US city.

Newport, as I gathered from my sidelong impressions from a moving car, is a rather ritzy place. My family drove through downtown, where it was full of cute souvenir stores, little restaurants, and alluring specialty shops. The people looked well-dressed. Victorian bed-and-breakfasts peppered the streets.  Heck, Newport is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

But that day, my family was not there to visit the town. We were there to visit the famous Cliff Walk, a public walkway that winds down the shoreline. We drove down to Easton’s Beach, where we could enter the path.

As we got closer and closer, though, a strange stench began to creep into our car.

And then we parked our car and exited.

My family had been driving for hours, so it was only natural that we’d use the restrooms at that beach. I went to the sink to wash my hands when I saw it:

I asked my cousins about it.

That’s not a discoloration– the waves were colored a deep reddish-brown. The entire beach smelled horrible, like sewage and rotting fish. My cousins and I were overcome by shock.

For some reason, people still dared to swim in the mahogany ocean. I didn’t dare step a toe into the water– especially after one resident told us,

And on the brave swimmers, we could see the residue left from the ocean. Swimmers emerged covered in the red slime. Even those who had only dipped their legs couldn’t escape.

Could it be? The red tideThe algal blooms caused by pollution that stain the beaches, choke out the wildlife, and release toxins into the sea? The stench of the red, rotting slime haunted me for the rest of the day. The red tide was something that we read about in a paragraph of our biology textbooks, not actually experience! The red tide?! Truly?! How could we let this happen to our oceans?

I go to school in Boston. I live in a town of hipsters and young college activists and tree huggers. I quickly went up in arms:

I felt horror. I felt desperation. What is our environment going through? And also, was I going through some sort of revelation? Perhaps I’m studying bio to save the oceans, save the world? 

After a couple hours of this, I decided that I needed to know more. So I can learn! How to stop the red tide! AND SAVE! THE OCEAN!

And thus ended my 3-hour environmental campaign.

With love, to my readers

So I woke up the other day and looked at my WordPress:

To be more specific, I was looking at the pageview counter of this blog. Usually it looks like this:

But this day, it looked like this:

What was going on? I opened up an analysis of my blog’s pageviews, and realized:

Genau. I recently wrote a post about the popularity of One Piece in Japan, and it somehow managed to get couple thousand views in one day. For scale, I’m lucky to get a couple dozen views in one day. So I was just kinda like

I ran off and told my sister, somewhat bewilderedly. She told me

To which I responded

Because even if people find my blog once, because they liked one specific thing—One Piece—it doesn’t mean they’re going to come back and read it again. This whole thing got me thinking. At the beginning, I was all like

But, more and more, I’ve realized that’s not so important. I like blogging—I like being able to write whatever I want, to exercise the creative muscles, to draw crappy comics and get away with it. What I’ve come to like the most about blogging, however, are the people. Every time somebody likes a post, or sends me a comment, or a message, or tells me that they’ve enjoyed my comics, well, I just get all like

So I just wanted to say—thanks. Thank you to the readers who have been with me from the beginning, to those who jumped in at the middle, and to those who just found this blog—welcome! I’m Vy. Nice to meet you. To everyone who has reached out and sent me messages and comments—thank you. And to those who just read and run—thank you. 

I know having only a couple dozen readers is small beans in the vast, vast world of the internet. But knowing that there are those people– people out there who actually enjoy what I have to say—well, the feeling is incomparable.

(Alright, I’m done with the cheesiness. Just had to get that out there.)

Also, just a heads up—I’m actually romping ‘round NYC and Boston with my host sister/real sister this week, and then Acadia National Park the week after! There’ll be new posts this Thursday and Saturday. Thanks again!